Friday, April 20, 2012

The Creation

When we Gods first created the Planet Earth, we had a vision in mind. A vision of having a perfect little planet with perfect little creatures dotted all over it. Planet Earth is far from perfect now. The Humans that are inhabiting the planet have decided to wage a war against the planet and exploit it in every way possible.
But then, that is our fault. We created Humans after all. 
Humans are these fascinating creatures who think of the most innovative ways to survive and that too very comfortably. In the process of gathering more comforts, they end up taking away the comforts of other creatures in their surroundings. I don't blame them. It's the way they were manufactured.

We Gods are nasty little buggers. We are like little kids playing in sand-boxes. The Universe is our personal sandbox. We build planets in it. Multi-colored and unique planets. Then we watch with much excitement as the planets evolve.

We see mountains grow to tremendous heights and get covered with dandruff-like snow. 
We watch as holes become deeper, get filled with water and become oceans. 
We have amrut parties when we see the first signs of life. 
We watch the progress of different creatures as they sprout up at odd places in odd forms. 
We smile as we see them take their first baby steps on the evolutionary scale. 
It's all just so beautiful...

So now we have decided to create a brand new planet. We call it UnEarth. It has borrowed many of its properties from planet Earth but yet, it is not Earth. It is a different planet with different possibilities. It has been created on the same sandbox as Earth but we tweaked its properties a bit as it was evolving. What we got was a completely different and unique world much like Earth but yet, not like Earth. Therefore the name UnEarth.

This is a world where we have vivid creatures that resemble the creatures on Planet Earth or you might say that the creatures on Earth resemble those on Planet UnEarth. But you will be able to draw parallels between the creatures.

For example, we were curious to see what we could do to the current creatures popularly known on Earth as "Octopus". We were fascinated by its eight legged appearance. 
So we gave it a bright red beak and painted it light green. Also, we egged it on to get out of the ocean more and into the sun. Now it's an amphibian.
On UnEarth, an animal called "Octo-popat" walks around royally now. It is one of our most beloved creations. See! I told you you can draw parallels. I will put up an artists rendering of the Octopopat on this blog soon enough. Indeed.

Since the two planets are on completely different time-lines, the concepts of time on the two cannot really be matched to each other. We have not yet established the relationship of Earth time to UnEarth time. 
In fact, we take immense pleasure to say that many properties of UnEarth will not make any sort of logical sense to Earthly creatures at all.
Einstein trying to make sense of
the UnEarth time concept

There are a different sort of intelligent beings on UnEarth too. They shall be revealed eventually as I take you through this journey of UnEarth.

Why did we create such a planet? Well, we keep creating and destroying planets, you see. And there is no specific reason behind it. It's like asking you humans why you like to play a guitar even when you know you are not likely to start a band and become famous.

Having said that, let us begin our journey... Indeed.


  1. Indeeded. Indians do need to create more imaginary worlds, no?
    How is it?

  2. Prabhu, I am an atheist but a man of art & have to say, Octo-popat sounds like a good designed creature.

    Also, ha ha ha ha ha

  3. Dear Lord,

    Here are some things I'd like to see :

    1. Life begins with old age with creation getting younger with time and they die with as an orgasm
    2. I know you gods are all for karma which lets face it doesnt really work - I mean why is my ex still even alive? Or why hasnt he broken out in boils he can't itch? So instead of karma might I suggest "fight each other to the death" - we get to settle scores and you get some free entertainment...WIN-WIN
    3. Body hair is so pointless - why even bother

    Thing this will do for now - Ill come back with more! I really think you need to pull your socks up! Really god - so unimpressed - you can do better :-p


    Ridunkulous82 x
