Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Season Spheres

When you step out onto the surface of this planet, a bright -- very bright -- light hits you. When you look up, you might see a brightly colored ball in the sky. It depends on when you are stepping out and looking at the sky, because chances are that you might see any of the six season spheres out in the sky.

To make it easier for you -- a human reader -- to understand, the sphere above your head is one of the six suns that surround UnEarth. Each sun is of a different and unique color. These season spheres have been known by many names over the period of UnEarths existence.

But the name that stuck was, “SonS”. These are the six SonS of Planet UnEarth.

Imagine a Rubik's Cube. It has six different colored sides. All of those sides are on a different plane and the cannot interact with each other. If you stand on a Rubik's cube, you can see only one color below your feet. You will not be able to see the remaining five. Now imagine that you are standing on the surface of UnEarth -- which is round -- about above you is one of the season spheres. These six season spheres don't really get along that well with each other. So to speak.

There is a legend amongst the Grizzly Barks -- one of the species that inhabits UnEarth -- that the SonS are always revolving around their father, the UnEarth. (But Grizzly Barks are known far and wide to be rather highly egoistic and arrogant creatures, so it is safe to say that they will obviously assume that the UnEarth, is bigger than the SonS that surround it.) But they do have one thing right, these SonS do revolve around UnEarth.

Every one of the SonS have a different property, a different color, different stories surrounding them and different effects on UnEarth's surface. But the most startling thing about the SonS is that each one of them brings about a different season on to the area that it currently in. In human language, it's area of influence.
There are no days on the Planet UnEarth. Only seasons.

Whivel, The White

Whivel the White SonS It’s the brightest of the SonS. It also gives out the brightest element of all the SonS.
When you have the White SonS on your head, you will be cold. (In case you are getting confused, "SonS" is a plural as well as a singular word.)
Very cold indeed. Because out of the sky above you will come a plethora of various forms of snow. It can hit you hard in the form of hail. It can caress your cheek in the form of soft snow flakes. Or it can knock you off your feet with a horizontal snow storm. The surface is filled with thick snow in a matter of minutes when Whivel rises. There have been many names for the White SonS. But, the name that stuck was... Whivel.

Rote, The Red

First it gets hot. Then it gets very hot. Not only does it get hot, it starts burning. If you step out when the Rote is upon your head, you get barbecued like those chicken that you like to roast and eat so much every chance you get. There is no saying where the fire comes from or how it keeps burning when the Rote is in action. It comes from every direction. It seems like the air itself has caught fire.
Rote is unforgiving. And Hot.

Yazlow, the Yellow

Yazlow is a Moody one. When you see this SonS, it gets hot but you never know how hot. Sometimes it's extremely hot. Sometimes it's bearable. Sometimes it's just right and sometimes it's very wrong. The heat i mean. Yazlow is a Moody little bugger. The temperature variations are so much and so rapid that a human body would not be able to cope with the changes. Imagine a fruit being heated in a microwave then cooled, then heated again about a 100 times all in under 5 minutes. That's how Moody Yazlow is.
It is moodier than a PMSing female human.

Bloo, the Blue

You like rain? Really?
Step out when Bloo is out and you will not only get rain, but you will get an exclusive drowning experience. Bloo has this ability to raise the levels of the water holes on UnEarth. The water somehow starts expanding uncontrollably and overflows all across Bloo's influence area and sometimes even into the neighboring SonS' influence area. Not to mention the water that comes from high above. Bloo gets upset sometimes and sends so much water that you will feel like you are living underwater. And there is no saying how much pressure the water will inflict upon your body.

Glin, the Green

 Glin is the most welcomed of all the SonS.
When Glin rises, life happens. From every conceivable corner of it's area of influence, life blossoms. Glin gives out a life force that allows rapid cell growth. The rate of growth multiplies and every living creature's metabolism speeds up. Glin acts as a catalyst and influences everything living. It spreads uncontrollable excitement and causes life-forms to multiply with speed.
But then, sometimes, too much life can be harmful too.

Blace, the Black

If Glin is the accelerator of life, Blace is the decelerator.
Blace is the one SonS that is feared by all. Everyone awaits the arrival of the season of Blace so that they can get over with it as soon as possible. If one is going to face Death for sure, isn't it better to face it as soon as possible instead of waiting for it? When the black light from Blace falls on an area, the decomposition rate shoots up. Death dances like Michael Jackson on everything that comes in Blace's influence area. If you have been to a place that you found gloomy, then Blace zone is a million times gloomier that that. Blace doesn't strike you with speed, it tortures you slowly. You lose hope first and then your body starts losing hope too. Along with it, it starts loosing on life. Nobody likes Blace but it is there none the less.


UnEarth is a cursed planet.

Yet, creatures have evolved and found ingenious ways to survive on it.

- The Creator

Sunday, April 22, 2012


It was barren at first. A big lump of hard rock that I could put in my sling-shot and catapult around any sun in the Galaxy that I want. But then, I had to choose which sun it will revolve around, since that is how planets are supposed to behave.

That is how they are 'supposed to' behave.

Instead, I chose a different path. If you can imagine a number of magnets arranged like a sphere and a small iron pellet in the center of this sphere. Floating.

That pellet was UnEarth and the magnets were a cluster of sun-like stars. 
The suns would pull on the planet from all directions and cancel out the forces. It was like a few kids, standing in a circle and pulling on a single toy from all directions. The toy, ultimately, went to nobody.

This lump of playful rock, with due consultation with other Gods and after an arduous a voting process, was named "UnEarth". Then began the designing or this lump of rock. 

We filled it up with layers of crushed rocks first till it was nice and soily. Then we sent in meteors from random directions to make deep holes in this soily surface of UnEarth. What we got was a lump of soily rock with lots of deep craters on it's surface.

Then came Poseidon. 
For those of you who don't know Poseidon, the picture below is quite descriptive. Also, Epic.

He puts up quite a show when we tell him to fill up some planet with water. If you happened to be standing on the surface of UnEarth at that moment when Poseidon decides to fill it with water, you would see a pale blue something hurtling towards the surface from the sky. When seen closer, you would see that it is like a big blue water balloon. Because that is exactly what it is. 
Then, there is impact.

It would seem to you as if a nuclear bomb just exploded somewhere in the distance. After a few seconds, while you stand there staring in awe, a 500 feet big Tsunami will hit you with mind bending speed. Before you get engulfed by this wave, there is a chance that you would see Poseidon floating in mid-air, smiling with pride. You would also hear a lot of thundering because we Gods are applauding at this entertaining display of watery might. We applaud like Amitabh Bachchan does in KBC when someone wins a huge amount of money. Then we take some AmrutA shots to celebrate the arrival of the basis of life on Planet UnEarth. 
Poseidon, take a bow!

What was interesting was that when the meteors hit the surface with extremely high velocity, they displaced the soil everywhere. Around these craters huge mounds of soil were formed. After Poseidon watered the whole planet, these mounds became rather muddy and started flowing all around the planet. They got deposited in random places in mounds and formed smooth mountains. These mountains, when dried up, had very slippery surfaces.

We all watched with pride at this barren, newly created UnEarth. But then, something was missing.

Oh right!


Friday, April 20, 2012

The Creation

When we Gods first created the Planet Earth, we had a vision in mind. A vision of having a perfect little planet with perfect little creatures dotted all over it. Planet Earth is far from perfect now. The Humans that are inhabiting the planet have decided to wage a war against the planet and exploit it in every way possible.
But then, that is our fault. We created Humans after all. 
Humans are these fascinating creatures who think of the most innovative ways to survive and that too very comfortably. In the process of gathering more comforts, they end up taking away the comforts of other creatures in their surroundings. I don't blame them. It's the way they were manufactured.

We Gods are nasty little buggers. We are like little kids playing in sand-boxes. The Universe is our personal sandbox. We build planets in it. Multi-colored and unique planets. Then we watch with much excitement as the planets evolve.

We see mountains grow to tremendous heights and get covered with dandruff-like snow. 
We watch as holes become deeper, get filled with water and become oceans. 
We have amrut parties when we see the first signs of life. 
We watch the progress of different creatures as they sprout up at odd places in odd forms. 
We smile as we see them take their first baby steps on the evolutionary scale. 
It's all just so beautiful...

So now we have decided to create a brand new planet. We call it UnEarth. It has borrowed many of its properties from planet Earth but yet, it is not Earth. It is a different planet with different possibilities. It has been created on the same sandbox as Earth but we tweaked its properties a bit as it was evolving. What we got was a completely different and unique world much like Earth but yet, not like Earth. Therefore the name UnEarth.

This is a world where we have vivid creatures that resemble the creatures on Planet Earth or you might say that the creatures on Earth resemble those on Planet UnEarth. But you will be able to draw parallels between the creatures.

For example, we were curious to see what we could do to the current creatures popularly known on Earth as "Octopus". We were fascinated by its eight legged appearance. 
So we gave it a bright red beak and painted it light green. Also, we egged it on to get out of the ocean more and into the sun. Now it's an amphibian.
On UnEarth, an animal called "Octo-popat" walks around royally now. It is one of our most beloved creations. See! I told you you can draw parallels. I will put up an artists rendering of the Octopopat on this blog soon enough. Indeed.

Since the two planets are on completely different time-lines, the concepts of time on the two cannot really be matched to each other. We have not yet established the relationship of Earth time to UnEarth time. 
In fact, we take immense pleasure to say that many properties of UnEarth will not make any sort of logical sense to Earthly creatures at all.
Einstein trying to make sense of
the UnEarth time concept

There are a different sort of intelligent beings on UnEarth too. They shall be revealed eventually as I take you through this journey of UnEarth.

Why did we create such a planet? Well, we keep creating and destroying planets, you see. And there is no specific reason behind it. It's like asking you humans why you like to play a guitar even when you know you are not likely to start a band and become famous.

Having said that, let us begin our journey... Indeed.